Ah, Google Ads. Ever present. Ever changing. And that’s what I’m here to talk about.

Regardless of if you’re currently running Google Ads or thinking about running them, here are three updates to Google Ads for 2023 that you need to consider!

1. The price of eggs isn’t the only thing that’s gone up.

Google Ads are a pay-per click platform, but the pay part (like most other things right now) has increased! In fact, 91% of industries are subject to an increase of at least 19%. But depending on which industry you’re in, the increase might be even more intense. For instance, the furniture industry is experiencing a 54% increase.

2. Did your ads get a makeover?

Most of us gave little thought to the supply chain until the chain stopped supplying over the past few years. In an act of mercy, Google has recognized the challenges many industries have experienced these past few years with the supply chain, the pandemic, and more. For certain industries like the automotive industry, Google has added new ad formats located at the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) with additional information included to make the purchasing process easier. Here’s a glimpse at what these new ad formats look like:

3. How many cooks are in this kitchen?

Google has made several changes to the ad text parameters throughout the years, but the biggest change has come with their new default ad type called responsive search ads (RSA). Instead of writing ads from start to finish, users submit text assets to the Google machine, and Google takes charge of piecing the assets together into the best possible ads (or so they think). Reactions are mixed on this significant change to Google Ads. On the bright side, some new users may feel more comfortable with creating ads. On the flip side, many marketers miss having full control over their ad copy and structure.

That’s enough Google Ads talk for now, but you know me (and Google) well enough to know that’s not all to be said about the changes Google has rolled out! Next time, we’ll cover the next set of Google Ads changes you need to know about.

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