I promised to tell you the most important thing that the business owner did to rock their response to a negative review.

If you need a refresher, go back and visit the previous post!

The most important thing the business owner did is this – they were their authentic self.

Why is that so important?

Because in a world where people are going to read your response without any benefit from being able to hear your tone or read your body language, writing as your authentic self is the next best thing.

Now remember, you are responding as your authentic self AFTER you’ve taken a deep breath and calmed down from being upset about a bad review.

The brewery owner named a beer after the neighbor’s dog because that was the kind of guy he was. He didn’t suddenly start using lawyer language and being stuffy in his response. He’s a name a beer after a dog kind of guy, and that’s what he stuck with.

So if you ever receive a negative review, take a deep breath, follow the tips from these past few emails, and be yourself (your calmed down self) when you write your response – that’s your superpower.

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