As always, it’s great to take the time to gather with other business leaders in the community.

Attending Ignite reminded me of the importance of collaboration. Business can be tough, but we don’t have to go it alone. One of the important lessons that the owners of Harmony Harvest Farm spoke about was how collaboration makes each contributor better.

As business leaders, it’s easy to feel like we should have all the answers, but the truth is, no one is good at everything. We need other perspectives and skill sets outside of our own to make the most of our business. Don’t be afraid to seek out collaborators to help you!

The second takeaway from Ignite was a confirmation of the classic saying – All boats rise with the tide. We are incredibly blessed to do business in the Shenandoah Valley, where so many business leaders and entrepreneurs are willing to help one another.

Instead of seeing each other as competition, when we see each other as allies, it can foster a supportive network.. And when one business does well, it naturally has a ripple effect that can help others around it.

The third takeaway is to join your local Chamber of Commerce! Ignite is only one of many events that GARCC hosts, and if you aren’t plugged into your local Chamber, you’re missing out on great opportunities to learn, network, and grow!

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